
Write a reports that collect and organize information are

Write a Reports that collect and organize information are informative or investigative. Some information reports are highly standardized, such as police reports, hospital admittance records and government regulatory reports. They may record routine activities such as daily, weekly, and monthly reports of sales or profits. They may investigate options, performance, or equipment. Although they provide information, they do not analyze that information, provide recommendations or draw conclusions.

Information reports generally contain three parts: introduction, body (findings) and conclusion. The body may have many subsections.

Consider these suggestions for writing information reports:

1. In the introduction explain why you are writing. For some reports, describe what methods and sources were used to gather information and why they are credible. Provide any special background information that may be necessary. Preview what is to follow.

2. In the findings section organize the facts in a logical sequence. You might group information in one of these patterns: (1) chronological, (2)
alphabetical, (3) topical (4) geographical (5) journalism style (who, what, when, where, why and how) (6) simple to complex, or (7) most to least important.

3. Decide whether to use functional (generic) headings, talking headings or a combination. Be sure that words used as headings are parallel in structure.

4. Conclude by summarizing your findings or highlighting your main points.

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English: Write a reports that collect and organize information are
Reference No:- TGS01038580

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