Assignment Task: Accommodation:
Write a report to management. Your report should be as concise as possible, while providing the pertinent information to support your position. Your report should be between 500-750 words.
Provide citations for the relevant sections of the Act and provide a copy of the policy (or policies), citing the sections referenced. Please note that this policy document does not count towards your total word count.
Q1. Include a brief overview of the issue they are confronted with.
Q2. Describe your strategy for resolving the issue.
Q3. Explain your conclusion as to whether undue hardship has been reached with accompanying rationale.
Q4. Provide a list of references to any resource that you used to write your report (including the textbook).
1. Brief Overview:
• Summarize events identified by John Anderson, Maintenance Manager
• Outline efforts made to date
• Identify issues noted according to reference documents
• Performance Issues
• Duty to Accommodate
• Union Participation
2. Strategy
• Accommodation Options
• Reduce tasks
• Change Hours of work
• Change tasks
• Form Accommodation Committee
• Management
• Union Representative
• Health & Safety
• Labour Relations
3. Undue Hardship Conclusion
» Health and safety risks
» Financial implications
» Legitimate operational requirements that would limit or prevent accommodating the employee?
» Disruption to the collective agreement or negatively impact rights that have been bargained for?
» Workplace morale
4. References
• Manitoba Human Rights Code
• Company Policy on Accommodation
• Union Collective Agreement
• Other related codes and policies
• Show how strategy is based on reference documents
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Tags: Accommodation Assignment Help, Accommodation Homework Help, Accommodation Coursework, Accommodation Solved Assignments, Performance Issues Assignment Help, Performance Issues Homework Help, Performance Issues Coursework
Attachment:- HRM-Labor Relations.rar