
Write a report that comprehensively takes the issue through

WRITTEN REPORT for GOVERNMENT 2305 and z:Oe/SO points)


1. Select an issue you think is critical in America.

discussed at the national level.

This is an issue that should be predominately

2. Write a report that comprehensively takes the issue through t public policy process. This paper must be written in the INTRODUCTION-BODY-CONCLUSION format. Paper may be handwritten but all papers must be double-spaced. Grammar will count; no "Xeroxed" papers.

You must include and attach at leas( pieceslf supporting documentation. IJrese are sources you used for factual support. Highlight and number, in the paper and on the attached document, the facts you used.

Each paper must have an outline and edited rough draft attached.


Government: Select an issue you think is critical in Texas. This is an issue that should be addressed at the state level. Complete this report using the criteria outlined.

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1. Select an issue that should be addressed at the County, City or Local level of government.

2. Write a letter to the appropriate agency outlining the problem and your proposed solution.

3. Turn in to the instructor an addressed, stamped envelope with your signed letter inside as well as a copy of your letter. The instructor will mail your letter and grade your copy.

4. Your grade will be determined by the quality of the contents of the letter and if you choose the correct agency.

5. lf you receive a written reply to your letter before the final.

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Dissertation: Write a report that comprehensively takes the issue through
Reference No:- TGS01391364

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