
Write a report recommending or opposing the potential

This is the text book in this class. My class is: Survey of Corrections

Corrections in the 21st Century, 7th edition (2015) by Schimalleger; ISBN: 978-0-078-14092-1

• Project Scenario

It's time to construct a hypothetical REPORT TO PAROLE BOARD on Charles Manson.

Your role as Administrative Officer is to write a report recommending or opposing the potential parole of Mr. Manson. Here is your scenario (fictitious) for this writing assignment:

Charles Manson is, yet again, up for parole. He has served nearly 44 years in prison. He is perceived as old, frail, cranky, physically debilitated, under treatment for colon cancer and mentally ill. Manson and his attorneys are asking the California Parole Board that he be paroled to a well-respected inmate advocate who resides in a small farming community in northern California.

This advocate, a retired Catholic nun, has run a halfway-house for adult male offenders as a transition point from prison. In some cases, the facility has become the final residence for older offenders to live out the remainder of their lives, using social security and Medicare. The nun has an excellent record for operating the facility. No parolee has ever, in 14 years of operation, been charged with committing a crime while residing in her facility.

Set in the hills of Wine Country in Northern California (on the outskirts of Santa Rosa), the facility, Sister Mary's Hope House, has a strong relationship with local law enforcement, corrections, parole officers and churches. Mr. Manson is hoping for the opportunity to reside at the Hope House for whatever time he has left to live.

Understand your recommendation will be VERY influential to the California Parole Board. Utilizing internet, media, literature (NOT Wikipedia!), you will review subject information to assist you in formulating your recommendations. Be sure to citeresources. PLEASE make sure you provide all requested information.

Make sure you fully consider all ramifications of your recommendations. Even though it would be very easy to recommend Mr. Manson's continued incarceration, take into account the amount of time he has served, the on-going demand for prison space, the actual threat he poses and the possibility for him to exist crime-free outside the prison.

Whether you recommend for or against parole, you must DEFEND your statements with facts! Simply stating, "Hey, he killed somebody", or "he's crazy and dangerous"will NOT be sufficient for the parole board. Mr. Manson is LEGALLY ENTITLED to aparole hearing and the opportunity for parole.

You must be sound in yourrecommendation; professional, free of emotion, free of influence by public sentiment,objective and non-biased in your paper. This must be no less than 3 pages.

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Dissertation: Write a report recommending or opposing the potential
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