Write a report on the Business Decision Making and explain it in atleast 10 pages and 5-8 PPT Slides.
Topic for this assignment is Online Shopping.
In the report inlcude below points
1. Mean
2. Median
3. Mode
4. Standard deviation
5. Interpretation of the mean, median, mode and standard deviation
6. Percentiles
7. Quartiles
8. Correlation coefficient
9. Uses of Percentiles, quartiles and correlation coefficients in business decision making
Figure out the report on the below findings
- A bar chart on perception of the respondents to shop online rather than the retail shops
- A trend line graph
- A pie chart
- A column graph
Also include Conclusion at the end of the report.
8-10 References are required.
Answered:-12 pages including chatrts and images ,tables.
Answered:-8 PPT slides