
Write a report of about 3500-4000 words in order to propose

Portfolio theory

Given a 8x8 correlation matrix of stock prices(you can choose whichever data set you want from online) over a time period, I want to write a report of about 3500-4000 words in order to propose the optimal portfolio for an investor, using modern portfolio theory.

Therefore, by observing the values of correlation between the stocks I should conclude which would be the optimal portfolio, using modern portfolio theory. *Harvard reference style

Client Message-2: For this order i would like from you to find an 8x8 correlation matrix of stock prices over a time period (you can choose the data set from online, e.g, yahoo finance) and for this matrix I would like a report, in which this correlation matrix will be used in order to obtain the optimal portfolio of stocks for an investor.

This should be done based on modern porfolio theory arguments.

The source of the data set should be provided and the reference style of the report should be Harvard. Let me know if the writer needs extra guidelines or information.

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Portfolio Management: Write a report of about 3500-4000 words in order to propose
Reference No:- TGS02388932

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