
Write a report analysing the issues to be taken into


Financial requirements of business differ from firm to firm and the nature of the requirements may be long term and short-term financial requirements based on terms or period of financial requirement, Sources of finance are the means through which firms mobilize various terms of finance. Sources of finance state how companies are mobilizing finance for their requirements.

Companies either existing or new, need finance to meet the long-term and short-term requirements that include purchasing of fixed assets, construction of office building, purchase of raw materials and day-to-day expenses.

With reference to academic literature, write a report analysing the issues to be taken into account while managing Long-term sources of finance. The report should i nclude the following:

- Introduction covering the objectives and importance of Long-Term Sources of Finance including its elements, nature & purpose.
- Critical discussion on existing academic literature which shows how decisions about Long-term sources of finance affect the company's growth/profitability.
- Analysis of factors that have to be taken into account while managing different elements of Long-Term sources of Finance.
- Table identifying the Long-term sources of Finance of any Five MSM listed companies from different sectors along with brief comments.
- Appropriate conclusion.

Your report will be assessed on the following criteria:

Your work will be graded on the following aspects

1. This is an individual report.

2. The assignment MUST be submitted on-line (through MOVE) on or before the due date ________

3. Your assignment shall reflect the depth and breadth of your original analyses in a clear and coherent manner.

4. Use of the relevant academic literature to support ideas and issues discussed. The range of academic sources such as texts and journals to support your arguments and comments.

5. Any reference to authors and other writers shall be quoted with due acknowledgement in your assignment report using the Harvard Referencing System. For details of Harvard referencing style refer the student's hand book page 46-47 section7.2.

6. This is an individual assignment and carries a 50% weighting of the module grade.

7. This assignment follows an essay format(modify according to the requirement of your assignment) and must be original and creative. An analytical piece of work is required. The use of ‘cut and paste' approach will be penalized. It must be presented in a structured manner, with appropriate cover page, content page, introduction, body (with appropriate heading / sub-headings), conclusion, references, page numbered and any required appendices.

8. Your assignment should be word processed and professionally presented. The length of your assignment should not exceed 1500 words (+/- 10%), presented in text of font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. Please state the exact word count at the end of the assignment.

9. The cover page should be attached with the assignment and uploaded through MOVE (on-line). Name of the student, The Programme, Module Title, Assignment Title and number of words must be reflected on the cover sheet.

10. All assignments must be adhered strictly to the deadlines specified by Majan College. Failure to hand in the assignment for any reason and without prior approval and a valid written extension from the module tutor will not be marked and will be awarded a grade G (0) irrespective of the quality of the work. See Student handbook page 16-17section 4.4.

11. Unacknowledged use of work of others (plagiarism) is regarded as a dishonest practice and will be will be penalized. See the penalties in the student's handbook page 35-36 section 5.8.

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Dissertation: Write a report analysing the issues to be taken into
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