
Write a report about the

Select a case which intrigues you about a notable person who has committed a crime and write a seven page report. Consult with the instructor about your ideas or if you should have any questions. The report should be organized and well written and be at least 7 numbered pages in length, double-spaced, typed, Times New Roman 12 font and stapled.

The report shall follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style format in terms of citing references both within the report and on the reference page at the end of the report. Ideas should be presented clearly and with relevant details. Check for spelling, grammatical and typographical errors. Be sure to submit the stapled report in class by its deadline, submit it to Turnitin and:

• Use seven relevant references from scholarly sources, consider also using a biography and/or a memoir to further enhance your understanding of the case

• Read the materials and write a report (think of it as writing a long essay about the case, integrating what you have read with course material and your ideas about the topic)

• Contents of the paper should include: o Introduction o Descriptionofcase the

o DiagnosisperDiagnostic&StatisticalManualofMentalDisorders5 Edition - (DSM V)

o Relation/integrationofcasewithcoursematerial

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Dissertation: Write a report about the
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