Value judgments in place of facts or to leap to 'ought' conclusions without a demonstrable cogent theoretical and empirical linkage" (Thomas, 1993, p. 22).
The purpose of task is to help students to understand ethical framework of doing research in their institutions and how to evaluate their positions as researchers.
Step one: Please the two articles that Hala sent before about positionality in doing research
Being an Insider Researcher While Conducting Case Study Research.pdf On the Inside Looking In_ Methodological Insights and Challenges.pdf
Step two: Start asking questions.
After reading the articles, explore the main ideas in each of them about positionality in research ( what does it mean for you?)
Step three: Ask yourselves some questions about the ethical framework of doing research in your business.
Write a reflection on the discussion broad on your research values and how are you going to consider the ethical framework in doing your research in your business?
Article 1- On the Inside Looking In: Methodological Insights and Challenges in Conducting Qualitative Insider Research by Melanie J. Greene
Article 2 - Being an Insider Researcher While Conducting by Case Study Research