Write a Reading Response about the following readings-
1. "Play and Games" translated from the french by Meyer Barash.
2. A Study of the Paly-Element in Culture by J. Huizinga.
Reading Response 4 is designed to allow student-players to identify major perspectives in the readings and to use those perspectives as a lens for looking at other related concepts, practices, artifacts, activities, and the like.
To do this, students must have an understanding of what the text is about and be able to identify and articulate a major point, premise, theme, theory, issue, or perspective (we will refer to this as a focal concept or frame) and then work to apply that focal concept in some meaningful way.
Student-players will need to divide these reading responses into three sections:
- Section 1 - summarize the work and explain the essential elements of this focal concept/frame (and they will need to do so within no more than 200 words)
- Section 2 - articulate/state the focal concept under consideration
- Section 3 - apply that concept/frame as an explanatory model. To do this, student-players will need to choose an artifact or activity they know well and attempt to explain or situate that artifact/activity within the guiding frame. [Note: the entire response cannot exceed 800 words).