
Write a public accelerate method this method overrides the

USING INHERITANCE TO CREATE A DERIVED CLASS IN C++ In this lab, you create a derived class from a base class and then use the derived class in a C++ program. The program should create two Motorcycle objects and then set the Motorcycle's speed, accelerate the Motorcycle object, and check its side car status. Use the Vehicle and Automobile classes that you worked with earlier in this chapter as a guide.

1. Open the file named Motorcycle.cpp using Notepad or the text editor of your choice.

2. Create the Motorcycle class by deriving it from the Vehicle class. Use a public derivation.

3. In the Motorcycle class, create a private attribute named sidecar. The sidecar attribute should be data type bool.

4. Write a public set method to set the value for sidecar.

5. Write a public get method to retrieve the value of sidecar.

6. Write a public accelerate method. This method overrides the accelerate method inherited from the Vehicle class. Change the message in the accelerate method so the following is displayed when the Motorcycle tries to accelerate beyond its maximum speed: "This Motorcycle cannot go that fast".

7. Save this class file, Motorcycle.cpp, in a directory of your choice and then open the file named MyMotorcycleClassProgram.cpp.

8. In the MyMotorcycleClassProgram, create two Motorcycle objects named motorCycleOne and motorCycleTwo.

9. Set the sidecar value of motorcycleOne to true and the sidecar value of motorcycleTwo to false.

10. Set motorcycleOne's maximum speed to 90 and motorcycleTwo's maximum speed to 85.

11. Set motorcycleOne's current speed to 65 and motorcycleTwo's current speed to 60.

12. Accelerate motorcycleOne by 30 miles per hour (mph) and accelerate motorcycleTwo by 20 mph.

13. Print the current speed of motorcycleOne and motorcycleTwo.

14. Determine if motorcycleOne and motorcycleTwo have side cars. If yes, display the following: "This motorcycle has a side car". If not, display the following: "This motorcycle does not have a side car".

15. Save MyMotorcycleClassProgram.cpp in the same directory as Motorcycle.cpp.

16. Compile the source code file MyMotorCycleClassProgram.cpp.

17. Execute the program.

18. Record the output below.

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Basic Computer Science: Write a public accelerate method this method overrides the
Reference No:- TGS02194043

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