
Write a protocol to address treatment of nfluenza outbreak


Modern Organizations and Healthcare -

The Strategic Planning Process

There is an influenza shortage at the local hospital. Planning is the most important managerial function. Using this document as a guide, write a protocol to address the treatment of the influenza outbreak. Use these questions to help guide your writing.

What would you do to prepare for a vaccine shortage?

How would you forecast the vaccine needs for the local community?

What would you do to monitor your effectiveness of the plan and goals for the next influenza season?

What other details would you include as the supervisor?

Include material from our readings and utilize the university library to research at least 4 current scholarly, peer-reviewed references published within the past 5 years. Cite all references (in the Glossary portion of the protocol) and utilize APA format.

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Science: Write a protocol to address treatment of nfluenza outbreak
Reference No:- TGS03154013

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