
Write a program which inputs sequences of digits one

Question: Write a program which inputs sequences of digits (one sequence per line with no spaces between the digits) from the data file DigitSeq.txt. You can assume that a previous program has validated the data to make sure that each sequence consists only of valid digits. Print the input sequence to the screen or to a file, then print the value of what you calculate the check digit should be. Then print VALID or INVALID to indicate whether the check digit is correct or not. The digit sequences may be of different lengths, but you may assume that there will be no sequence longer than 20 characters.

Requirements: 1) The sequence must be stored and manipulated as an array or string.

2) You must use at least 3 functions in addition to main. Some suggestions:

• input the sequence,

• convert a character into an integer,

• do step 1 calculations,

• do step 2 calculations,

• do step 3 calculations,

• determine the correct check digit (this function could call the previous three functions) and return the calculated check digit.

3) At least one function must return a value with a return statement, at least one function must have a value parameter, and at least one function must have a reference parameter.

4) I recommend printing the results of your calculations so that you can code a little at a time and make sure that what you've coded so far is correct. This will also make is easier for me to figure out where you went wrong if an answer is not correct.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- Pgm1CheckDigits-reviewofarrays.rar

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C/C++ Programming: Write a program which inputs sequences of digits one
Reference No:- TGS02906571

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