
Write a program using above data file must prompt user for

Input file:

Event                    Task                       Number of Days

1                              15                           3

1                              27                           6

1                              36                           4

2                              15                           5

3                              18                           4

3                              26                           1

4                              15                           2

4                              26                           7

4                              27                           7

5                              16                           4


Write a program using above data file (must prompt user for file names- input and output) to read in the critical path information and write reports.  Print reports (3 reports) to an output file as below:

Print a project completion timetable that lists each event number, the maximum number of days for a task within the event, and the total number of days for the project completion.

Print the event number and task number for all tasks requiring more than 5 days. 

Print a report that lists the number of each event and a count of the number of tasks within the event.

** use only one input file and one output file


Enter input file name : cri.dat

Enter output file name:  criout.dat

(This is a sample of output file)

Event         Maximum Number Days for a Task
1                6
2                5
3                4
4                7
5                4

Project Duration : 26 days

Tasks requiring more than 5 days 
Event    Task     Days
1            27         6
4            26         7
4            27         7

Event and Number of Tasks
1          3
2          1
3          2
4          3
5          1

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C/C++ Programming: Write a program using above data file must prompt user for
Reference No:- TGS01162572

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