1- Write a program to input the coefficients of a quadratic equation and solve for the roots. Apply your program to the equation
X2 + 2x - 3 = 0
X1,2 = (-b ± √(b2 - 4ac)/2a)
output your labeled input and labeled results.
2- Temperatures may be converted from Celsius to Fahrenheit using the formula
F=1.8C + 32
Write a program to input the temperature in Celsius and convert it to Fahrenheit. Try your program with C = -40°, C = 20°, and C = 100°.
3- Polar coordinates are related to Cartesian Coordinates by the following equations. Write a program to input x = 2.5 and y = 7.1 to computer the r and θ. Then input r = 5.5 and θ = 49° to compute x and y.
X = rcos(θ) y = rsin(θ) r = √(x2 + y2) θ = tan-1(y/x)