Suppose you own a beer distributorship that sells Piels (ID number 1), Coors (ID number 2), Bud (ID number 3), and Iron City (ID number 4) by the case.
Question- Write a program to
A .Get the case inventory for each brand for the start of the week.
B .Process all weekly sales and purchase records for each brand.
c. Display out the final inventory.
Each transaction will consist of two data items. The first item will be the brand ID number (an integer). The second will be the amount purchased (a positive integer value) or the amount sold (a negative integer value). For now you may assume that you always have sufficient foresight to prevent depletion of your inventory for any brand. (Hint:Your data entry should begin with four values representing the case inventory, followed by the transaction values.)
In c language, no array's just loops
Please describe the code to Get the case inventory for each brand for the start of the week.