
Write a program to create class combinedassignmentoperators


Question 1- Write a program called CombinedAssignmentOperators.java.

Declare variables x, y, and z. Initialize x to 0.0, y to 9.0, and z to 0.6. Declare variables i, j, and k. Initialize i to 15, j to 15, and k to 7. Using the Combined Assignment Operators +=, -=, *=, /=, and %= perform the following operations:

 Add 5 to x

Subtract 5 from y

 Multiply z by 5

 Divide i by k

Modulus j by k


Please describe the code of a program called CombinedAssignmentOperators.java.

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Computer Engineering: Write a program to create class combinedassignmentoperators
Reference No:- TGS0892856

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