
Write a program to create a console application that allows


To build a complete working C++ program to review basic C++ concepts focusing on multi-file C++ applications, input files, and strings.


Write a program to create a console application that allows the user to access sunrise/sunset almanac data for up to 30 days for a given choice of cities.

Read the data from the file cityinfo.txt into one or more arrays. This will be the set of cities the use can choose from. Your program should first prompt the user for a city airport code (such as MBS). If information is not available for this city, provide feedback to the user and terminate the program.

If this city is in the list of available cities, access the geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude) and time zone code (E-eastern, C-central, M-mountain, P-pacific). If the city code is valid and in the list, next prompt the user for a calendar date in a coded form of such as 20130831 (for August 31, 2013). If the date is invalid, inform the user. Do not allow them to continue until they have entered a valid date. Next, prompt the user for a number of days to write. This value must be in the range 1 and 30. An error message should be displayed if the number is not. For any input errors, be sure that no output is generated until all input data are valid.

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C/C++ Programming: Write a program to create a console application that allows
Reference No:- TGS01084848

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