
Write a program that uses a recursive algorithm to compute

Programming Assignment On Recursive Calculation of the Determinant of a Matrix

Write a program that uses a recursive algorithm to compute the determinant of a maxtrix. It should read a matrix, print it out, and compute and print the determinant.

New: Redo assignment 2, but this time use linked lists to implement the array. Implement the matrix as a "sparse matrix" where entries with a value of zero do not take any space in memory.

Determinant = Σ (-1)i+j * a[i,j]*det(minor(a[i,j]) for any j. i The minor of matrix element x is the submatrix formed by deleting the row and column containing x. For example,


1 3 -1 6 4 5 -2 -3 2 -1 0 4 9 7 -9 1

minor(a[2,3]) =

1 3 6 2 -1 4 9 7 1

For stopping cases, if "a" is a 1x1 matrix: a=[x], then det(a) = x.

a b If "a" is a 2x2 matrix: a= c d, then det(a) = ad-bc

The sample file input form is

4 4 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6

where the first line contains the dimensions (rows columns) of the matrix.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Write a program that uses a recursive algorithm to compute
Reference No:- TGS01067565

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