
write a program that takes the image tracksjpg

Write a program that takes the image tracks.jpg and finds Canny edges, and then finds lines in these edges using the Hough transform. The easiest way to do this is to take the programs edge.c and houghlines.c in the C samples directory of OpenCV, and then combine them. First find edges (there are three parameters you can adjust to create different edges; one way to try different combinations is to change them in real-time using trackbars). Then find the lines in the resulting edges using the Hough transform and draw the lines over the edges in the image. You should adjust the Canny parameters so that the results should look similar to the image hough-lines.jpg. In particular, there should be between two and five lines (no more and no less).

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C/C++ Programming: write a program that takes the image tracksjpg
Reference No:- TGS0416714

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