Assignment: Introduction to Computer Science
Part A: This question is to be submitted to the instructor in the form of a Word (or OpenOffice) document containing the Java code and appropriate screen capture(s) of the output.
The file name must be in the form ASSIGN8A_YourName where ‘YourName' is your last name followed by your first name with no space. Upload the file to CMS.
1) Write a program that stores an array of 5 int values (not Integer), a Date object, and the double value 12.8 into a file named "Assign8_Q1.dat".
2) Write a second program to reads back the information stored in "Assign8_Q1.dat" using the ObjectInputSream and display the information for each item.
Part B: Write code and test the solutions for the following problems from the textbook.
Submit the .java files for each question to CMS.