
Write a program that produces a multiplication table


Question- Write a program that produces a multiplication table with 25 rows of com putations. Allow the user to input the ?rst and last base values for the multiplication table. Display a column in the table beginning with the ?rst base inputted value. The last column should be the ending base value entered. The ?rst row should be for 1 times the beginning base, 1 times the (beginning base value + 1), through 1 times the ending base value. The last row should be for 25 times the beginning base, 25 times the (beginning base value + 1), through 25 times the ending base value. Base values can range from 2 through 8. Display an error message if an invalid base is entered. Display an aesthetically formatted multiplication table.

Please show code with comments so I can follow what you are doing.

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Computer Engineering: Write a program that produces a multiplication table
Reference No:- TGS0893495

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