1. What is portability means in the context of programming languages?
2. What #include does in in programming in C?
3. What is the difference between #include and #include "file"?
4. Why adding comments on your program is important? Please do a little bit research on Google for this question.
5. What are the major data types in C? How you can declare them in C? Explain each with a few sentences.
6. What is string? Give a sample program which ask user to enter a name as a string and print the name on the screen.
7. What are arithmetic operation? Explain them with a few sentence or example line of code.
8. What are relationship operators? Explain them with a few sentence or example line of code.
9. What are logical operators? Explain them with a few sentence or example line of code.
10. What are bitwise operations? Explain them with a few sentence or example line of code.
11. Write a program that converts kilometer to inches.
12. Write a program that prints numbers from 80 to 90 as shown below
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89
13. Write a program that ask user to enter average final grade and assign letter grade print it on the screen.
Numeric grade [0,50] ---> F
Numeric grade [51,69) ---> D
Numeric grade [70,79] ---> C
Numeric grade [80,89] ---> B
Numeric grade [89,100] ---> A
For example, if user enter 82, program should print B on the screen.
14. Write a program that print whole numbers from 1 to 15 on the screen USUNG FOR LOOP as shown below
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
15. Write the same program using while loop.