
Write a program that hints the user to input a different

## Programming language is python.

Write a program that hints the user to input a different number each time repetitively (both integer and float numbers are acceptable).

1. It should meet the requirements listed below:

There are three types of legitimate input for this program

numeric value---------used to calculate average

#---------------used to continue to the next input

done-------------- used to terminate the program

2. If the user input a number, add this number to all the existing numbers from user's previous input and calculate their real-time average. Display this real-time average (float number) in the next round of user input hint message in terms of "Please input a number. Current average is ..."

For instance, in the first round, I don't have any numbers from previous input. The program tells me that my currents average is 0 and asks for my input.

3.The input number should be different from any numbers previous entered. If I input a number that has already been added before, the program will not accept the number and instruct me to input a non-duplicated number in the next round. For example, if I enter 2 again, the program will tell me "No duplicate number" in the input hint message.

4.When user input "#", the program will skip to the next round of input without any changes being made. The average will remain the same.

5. When user input anything other than number, "#", and "done", the program will not accept the input. The program will tell user "Please provide meaningful input" in the input hint message in the next round. For example, if I enter "gh". The program will find out that it is not a valid input and warn me to input something meaningful instead in the next round

6. When the user input "done". The program execution stops and displays to the user the average of all the numbers previously entered by printing out "Program execution ended. The average is ...". Now I input "done," the program will stop executing and print out my final average value.

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Computer Engineering: Write a program that hints the user to input a different
Reference No:- TGS02901391

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