Basic Requirements:
Write a program that gets input for a string, then output a substring of this string character by character showing the upper case, lower case, initial case, binary, and hex values of each character. Repeat until quit.
1) Get input for a string of any length
2) Get input for a substring length (0 to quit)
3) Loop through the string using an embedded assignment (pg. 530) in a while loop and printing the following:
o Use a “ternary operator” (pg. 531) that sets the substring length to the
o The substring initial case of each letter (case not changed)
o The substring lower case of each character
o The substring upper case of each character
o The substring ASCII value of each character
o The substring Binary representation of each character
- Use the Integer wrapper class specifying the radix. Refer to the java docs for more info
o The substring Hex value of each character output in upper case
- Use the Integer wrapper class to convert to Hex
o Get entry for the next substring length (0 to quit)
4) Subsequent substring lengths should use the same initial string (see example)
5) Output “Thank you for playing!” when 0 is entered for the substring length
Sample output is provided below. Be sure to mimic it exactly except for search value and random numbers.
Sample: Your output will vary based on input.