
write a program that calculates an employees wage

Write a program that calculates an employee's wage for a week. An employee's wage is calculated as follows:

(I) if the number of hours is less than or equal to 40, then the total payment is hour *rate:

(2) if the number of hours is greater than 40 then the overtime pay is I% times your regular rate of pay;

(3) If the week has public holiday and if the number of hours is greater than 40 then the overtime pay is I% times your regular rule of pay plus 8 *rate for holiday pay

You need to prompt user to input three numbers: two double numbers: one is hour and the other is rate (per hour rate); one integer number: either Ito represent holiday week or other number to represent a regular week. Then. according to the values of hours, calculate the total pay

Enter hour:: 4S.$


Enter hour rate: SI0.S8


Is this a public holiday week (1 - ye-.      1


Ou worked 45.58 hour: this weak.


our hour rate I: $10.50. molar pay: 5420.00 ertlne pay: $86.63


MSc holiday pay: $84.00


eta! pay: SS90.63

rest any key to continue .

SAVE the file as:        Ins gn I .epp


PRINT assign Lepp


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C/C++ Programming: write a program that calculates an employees wage
Reference No:- TGS0501444

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