
Write a program that asks the use to enter some dates then

Lab 1 Complete the following code to find the largest number among the positive numbers that user entered. When the use enters a negative number the program stop taking input and prints out the result.


int main(void)


float x, max = 0.0f;

for (;;) {

printf("Enter a number: ");


printf("\n"); /* blank line */

printf("The largest number entered was %g\n", max);

return 0;


Lab 2 Write a program that finds the smallest number among 30 numbers that user entered. The 30 numbers are not necessarily positive. (Do not use array or other data structures).

Lab 3 Print the following numbers (first column contains odd number in ascending; second column contains even numbers in descending)

1 20

3 18

5 16

7 14

9 12

11 10

13 8

15 6

17 4

19 2

Lab 4 Print multiplication table:

Lab 5 Write a program that asks the use to enter some dates, then the program prints the earliest date the user entered. An input of 0/0/0 stops the program.

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Computer Engineering: Write a program that asks the use to enter some dates then
Reference No:- TGS02779272

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