Assignment: Developing an OOP Console Application
• Create a class in java with appropriate methods.
• Process user input with the class using the scanner for keyboard input and console output.
PROBLEM: Health Profile Console Program
GymsRUs has a need to provide fitness/health information to their clients, including BMI and maximum heart rate. Your task is to write a console program to do this.
Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on a person's height and weight. BMI can be used to indicate if you are overweight, obese, underweight, or normal.
The following BMI categories are based on this calculation.
Category BMI Range
Underweight less than 18.5
Normal between 18.5 and 24.9
Overweight between 25 and 29.9
Obese 30 or more
Max heart rate is calculated as 200 minus a person's age.
Design and code a class called HealthProfile to store information about clients and their fitness data. The attributes (name, age, weight, and height) are private instance variables. The class must include the following methods.
Receives a value to assign to private instance variable
Receives a value to assign to private instance variable
Receives a value to assign to private instance variable
Receives TWO inputs (height in feet, inches). Converts and stores the total INCHES in private instance variable
Returns private instance variable
Returns private instance variable
Returns private instance variable
Returns private instance variable (inches)
Calculates and returns BMI
Returns category based on BMI
Calculates and returns maximum heart rate
Create a SEPARATE TEST CLASS, Lab1Main, to prompt for user input and display output using the HealthProfile class. Process multiple inputs using a loop.You can assume all user input is valid.
Part 2:
Practice 1
Write a program that accepts a distance in kilometers, sends it to a method which converts it to miles, and then displays the result. The formula for conversion is Miles = Kilometers * 0.6214
Practice 2
Insurance companies suggest that people should insure a building for at least 80 percent of the cost to replace it. Write a program that accepts the cost of a building, sends it to a method which calculates the recommended insurance, and then displays the result in a currency format.
Lab Report
Objective/Purpose of the program
Briefly describe the program's requirements.
Describe the approach/structure of program.What classes/functions were used?
Does your program satisfy all requirements of the lab?
If yes, how did you test it? Indicate test cases used, expected values, and show results with screen shots. For example:
Test Data
Expected Result
Actual Result
Describe what you are testing
Specify the test data
What is expected
Actual results - reference an image that you include below.
If any requirements are NOT met, document the known issues. What did you do to try to solve them?
Make sure you demonstrate in your testing the parts that are working correctly.
Conclusions / Lessons Learned
What difficult problems did you encounter, and how did you handle them?
What new concepts did you learn/reinforce with this lab?
Is there anything you would have done differently?