Question: Write a program( palindrome using c++) that does the following string control and manipulation operations by using pointers:
A. Prompt the user to enter two strings, count number of characters in the strings, print length of the strings, print if the given strings are palindrome.
b.Use main( ) as the driver function. Allow the user to run the program as many times as desired.
C. Write 6 functions that main( ) calls to accomplish the task:
1. getStrings( ): Prompts the user for two strings . Use pointer variables.
2. getLength( ): Determines the lengths of each string. Returns length of the given string.
3. isPalindrome( ): Determines a given string is palindrome or not. Returns true if palindrome or returns false otherwise.
4. displayReverse(): Prints given string in reverse.
5. concat(); displays given two strings concatenation.
6. displayResults( ): Prints the strings, their lengths, and states whether they are palindrome or not.
void getStrings(char*str1,char*str2);
int getLength(char const*s);
bool isPalindrome(char*str);
void displayReverse(char*str,int size);
void concat(char*str1,char*str2);
void displayResults(char*str1,char*str2);
void FileWwriteandRead();
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