1. Write a short note on Java's need and invention.
2. Write a program in Java which displays the following items and when the user selects the appropriate options, display, "You have selected ________ Programming.
a. Java Programming
b. C# Programming
c. C++ Programming
3. Write a program in Java to repeat "Hello World!" 10 times.
4. What is JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
5. Create a Java Multiplication table for any number entered by the user. It should create only for 5 numbers upwards from the number entered by the user.
6. Write a Java program to ask the user to enter 5 numbers. Find and display the average.
7. Write a Java program to display whether the user is Male or Female
8. Write a Java program for the following scenario:
a. You are selling TVs. Display to the user that if the user selects
i. 32 inch TV, he/she will get 10% discounts
ii. 52 inch TV and if it is
1. Plasma TV, he/she will get 15% discount
2. LCD TV, he/she will get 20% discount
b. Display "You will get _____ % discount" only. Do not calculate the discount
c. Use Nested if construct.
9. Write a Java Program to find whether the following word is Palindrome or not. The word is : CIVIC
10. What do you think about learning Java?