Write a program in JAVA that will take inputs from a file and compute performance matrix similar to the following output into an output file.
First-Come First-Served (FCFS) Algorithm
Throughput - 100 jobs per second
Average Waiting time - 9 milliseconds
Average Turnaround time - 7.5 milliseconds
CPU Idle time - 300 milliseconds
Shortest Job Next (SJN) Algorithm
Throughput - 120 jobs per second
Average Waiting time - 6 milliseconds
Average Turnaround time - 6.5 milliseconds
CPU Idle time - 200 milliseconds
Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) Algorithm
Throughput - 70 jobs per second
Average Waiting time - 11 milliseconds
Average Turnaround time - 9.5 milliseconds
CPU Idle time - 10 milliseconds
Round Robin Algorithm
Throughput - 150 jobs per second
Average Waiting time - 5 milliseconds
Average Turnaround time - 5.5 milliseconds
CPU Idle time - 10 milliseconds