
Write a program in a programming language of your choice

Grocery Store Queue Simulation

Write a program in a programming language of your choice that simulates customers shopping and waiting in line at a grocery store. Your program must use a Queue to represent the customers in line. A Customer class should be created and must use that class for the creation of your Customer objects. Customer activities are: Go into store, Select goods, Stand in line at the register, Pay a bill at the register, and Depart the store. The program should simulate 60 minutes of activity at the store. Each iteration of your program should represent one minute.The program should have a visual representation of the store similar to Chapter4.ppt page 15 and display all the activities while the simulation is in progress. The program at the end of the simulation must generate a simulation report including:

- λ: arrival rate,
- μ: service rate of one server,
- ρ: server utilization,
- An: interarrival time between customers n-1 and n (n = first five customers)
- Sn: service time of the nth arriving customer (n = first five customers)
- L(t): the number of customers in system at time t (t = all 60 minutes)
- LQ(t): the number of customers in queue at time t (t = all 60 minutes)
- L: long-run time-average number of customers in system
- LQ: long-run time-average number of customers in queue
- w: long-run average time spent in system per customer
- wQ: long-run average time spent in queue per customer

With your team, based on your simulation scenario, submit your final formal report. For this part of the project, you will also need to prepare a presentation that should contain and be supported with substantial detail and explanation. You may submit the report and any additional materials for the presentation on Blackboard.

In the report you are expected to present a compelling argument and evaluation relevant to your group project(Objective 1). In order to demonstrate the validity of your simulation model you will be required to cite published material regarding the various issues you will discuss (Objective 2). The final portion of the report should include much more detail and evaluation compared to previous phases.

The report should span over different domains (simulation study, simulation model, your application, scenarios, animation model, etc) in order to include multiple perspectives on the subject being discussed (Objective 5).The paper should not just function as an introduction or generalized overviewof the problem, but should analyze each identified problem thoroughly and from different perspectives (Objective 3). As this project is a group effort, the overall product will demonstrate a cohesive synergy among all group members to produce a work with a logical thread that is well developed and connected (Objective 4).

Each group member will contribute equally towards the project, either to the program or the paper. Typical final reports should range between 3-5 pages. The paper should be formatted with 1" margins all around, 1.5-space between lines, and font 12 for the body of the text. The headings of the sections may be set up to font 16. Sources need to follow MLA citation style. Use parenthetical in-text citations with the page (for printed sources) or paragraph numbers (for electronic sources). There MUST be a 100% match between the items listed in the Works Cited to match the in-text citations and vise versa.The use of charts, images, tables, graphs and large citations will not be counted towards page length. The reference page, table of contents (if included) and cover page also do not count toward the overall page count). Keep in mind that just because you reach the minimum page length, doesn't mean that it's complete. Prepare for the projects to be longer than the minimum. Be sure to proofread all work thoroughly and check for proper grammar and citation style.

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Basic Computer Science: Write a program in a programming language of your choice
Reference No:- TGS02750996

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