
Write a program called yourname-assignment that uses


Write a program called [YourName]-Assignment (replace [YourName] with your actual name, no spaces) that uses specific functions to let the user select and print specific series of numbers.

The program should contain the following exact functions (with exact names, parameters, return values, and body):

1. A PrintOptions function that informs the user of all the options, meaning it prints the option number and description of each option from the table below, one per line (no lines necessary). The function should not have any parameters and should not return a value: void PrintOptions()

Option Description

1 Print all the numbers between 1 and 1000

2 Print all the even numbers between 1 and 1000

3 Print all the odd numbers between 1 and 1000

4 Print all the numbers between 1 and 1000 that are divisible by 3

2. An EnterOption function that lets the user select/input a number/option, validates it (check that it is between 1 and 4), repeats the input of the number/option until the option is correct (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4) and returns the selected option. The function should not have any parameters and should return the option. int EnterOption()

3. A PrintSeries1 function that prints the values for option 1 (all the numbers between 1 and 1000; e.g. 1 2 3 4 5 ... 1000) using repetition to access all the numbers. The function should have no parameters and it should not return any value: void PrintSeries1()

4. A PrintSeries2 function that prints the values for option 2 (all the even numbers between 1 and 1000; e.g. 2 4 6 ... 1000) using repetition to access all the numbers. The function should have no parameters and it should not return any value: void PrintSeries2()

5. A PrintSeries3 function that prints the values for option 3 (all the odd numbers between 1 and 1000; e.g. 1 3 5 7 ... 999) using repetition to access all the numbers. The function should have no parameters and it should not return any value: void PrintSeries3()

6. A PrintSeries4 function that prints the values for option 4 (all the numbers between 1 and 1000 that are divisible by 3; e.g. 3 6 9 ... 999) using repetition to access all the numbers. The function should have no parameters and it should not return any value: void PrintSeries4()

7. A main function that calls the PrintOptions function to print the menu/options, calls the EnterOption to let the user enter a valid option, and, then, calls PrintSeries1 if the selected option is 1, PrintSeries2 if the selected option is 2, PrintSeries3 if the selected option is 3, and PrintSeries4 if the selected option is 4. The function should have no parameters and it should not return any value: int main()

In addition to the complete CPP code ([YourName]-Assignment3A.cpp), you should submit a screenshot Word document ([YourName]-Assignment3A.docx), that contains screenshots of your full C++ code (take multiple screenshots if the code is larger than one screen), the console output from PrintOptions, the console for EnterOption (with both incorrect and correct values for the option), the console from PrintSeries1, PrintSeries2, PrintSeries3, PrintSeries4 functions(take multiple screenshots if the output is larger than one screen and run the program multiple times to cover all the 4 options ).

Text Book: Introduction to Computer Science & Programming: Programming Fundamentals.

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Computer Engineering: Write a program called yourname-assignment that uses
Reference No:- TGS02733786

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