
Write a price theory term paper


Price Theory Term Paper

Assignment Objective

The objective of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to:

• Apply the analytical skills and intuition obtained in your economics courses to examine an economic issue in which you have a special interest; and

• Learn how to write a formal report.

Assignment Format

For this assignment, you are to submit a report which involves the application of microeconomic theory to explain some aspect(s) of an industry, or to analyze the effect(s) of a public policy. The assignment is in four parts, each nesting the preceding one. Each assignment must be turned in on the date indicated and each will be graded separately.

Your report must be double-spaced, and 1250 - 1500 words in length. It must include in-text citations and a works cited page using M.L.A. documentation style. Use at least six to eight varied sources (books, journal articles from databases, approved web sites). At least one of your sources must be an academic economic publication. Copies of all cited sources must be attached to your paper. Before turning in your assignment, you are encouraged to have it reviewed by one of your fellow students in the class.

1. Topic of the report

You must submit a one-page paper carefully explaining the chosen topic. Make sure it pertains to microeconomic theory. Please start by writing one sentence (bold type) describing clearly the question or topic you want to analyze.

In this first part of the assignment, you should try to answer the following questions:

a. What am I trying to show?
b. Why should people care? Why is it interesting?

Be careful that your project is not too general/ambitious. Please narrow the topic to some specific aspect of a more general question. Remember that well-defined topics are easier to complete successfully. Be clear and concise. The more precise you are, the easier it will be to provide you with feedback.

2. Outline of the report

You must submit a 2-3 page paper giving a clear outline of your project.

It should contain:

• A title page that includes the title of the report, your name, and the date on which you are submitting the paper.

• A clear introduction describing the topic you chose and the way you have decided to analyze it. The first sentence of your introduction should answer the question: what am I trying to show?

• A summary of your essential ideas or arguments. Try to limit yourself to 3 main points. You should separate each point by having different sections/paragraphs. Feel free to make subsections where needed.

• A conclusion in which you restate the question you are analyzing, summarize the main points you developed and present the results you drew from that analysis.

• A reference section (or bibliography) where you list the references used.

• You may add an appendix for graphs, data or mathematical derivations.

Be clear and concise. Try to present your main points as sharply as you can. Make sure that your arguments are coherent and think carefully about the structure of your paper.

3. Draft

You should submit a draft version of your paper containing all the main ideas/points that you are going to develop. If your first draft is good, you will only have to make minor revisions before turning it in as your final report and will not need to include new material.

The first draft should contain the same elements as the Outline, but each main idea/point should be fully developed and articulated. Your paper should be coherent and your logic should be transparent. Particular emphasis should be put on the structure of the paper.

4. Final Report

You should submit a final, polished version of your paper, taking into account the remarks and comments made on previous assignments. You should not need to add new material at this stage, although you are allowed to if you have discovered elements that would substantially alter the logic or the conclusions of your paper.

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Microeconomics: Write a price theory term paper
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