
Write a platonic dialoguesocrates and the other character


You are to write a "Platonic dialogue" of at least three and not more than five pages, double-space with either an 11 or 12 point font. This dialogue should be between Socrates and one other character (you can use anyone, real or invented). Here are the requirements for this dialogue:

(1) Within the dialogue, Socrates and the other character should engage in a discussion over the meaning of some concept (just as Socrates and Euthyphro do in Euthyphro). You can choose from one of the following five concepts for discussion:

i. Love

ii. Wisdom

iii. Peace

iv. Happiness

v. Evil

If you want to choose a different concept for their discussion, or have some other idea for the paper, please discuss it with me.

(2) Your second character must propose to Socrates at least two (though you may do more) attempted definitions of the concept.

[You should mark in some way the proposed definitions-maybe just write something like "definition #1" in parentheses right before the character gives the definition.] Socrates should then employ the Socratic method to demonstrate to the character that both of these definitions are inadequate.

This part of the dialogue should include back and forth questions and answers between the two characters about the accuracy of the definition. When writing this part of the dialogue, I want you to demonstrate to me that you understand Socrates method of elenchus (i.e., the Socratic method) and emulate how Socrates proceeds in Euthyphro.

(3) Within your dialogue, you must also have at least one character present an argument for some thesis, with some discussion of the argument by both characters afterward. [Again, you should mark the argument in some way so I can find it easily].

(4) Other than that, you are free to be as creative with the dialogue as possible (trying to emulate Plato's style or just developing your own style). You can make your second character docile, or argumentative, or whatever, but try to keep Socrates as close to Plato's Socrates as you can.

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Other Subject: Write a platonic dialoguesocrates and the other character
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