
Write a personal narrative about writers


Welcome to your first writing project! For this first essay, you'll be writing a personal narrative about writing or writers that have had an impact on you. This can take many forms; you could talk about a particular piece that affected you (such as a specific book, movie, video game, song, etc.), a genre (sci-fi, fantasy, horror, romance, etc.), a medium of writing (short stories, novels, podcasts, movies, songs, TV shows, magazines, newspapers, TikTok, YouTube, etc.), or a particular author/creator. As you can see from the lists above, I am very flexible about what you are allowed to include here; anything that is a type of composition goes (I've even had people write about things like hair as a type of composition and expression). You'll satisfy the topic as long as you do the following:

1.) You must discuss at least two of the elements listed above (these can be in any combination; you just can't talk about only one thing for the whole paper).

2.) You must explain why you love these creators, genres, mediums, pieces, etc. so much. What stands out about them to you? How have they affected you as a person? As a reader/viewer/listener/player/etc.? Why are they so special, either to you specifically or on a larger scale?

Minimum Requirements:

1.) Your essay must be at least 4 pages double-spaced (meaning onto the 4th page), but there is no maximum length.

2.) You must use 12 pt. Times New Roman text. If you use a different font, I will change it to TNW, and if it no longer meets the length requirement, you will lose points.

3.) You must talk about 2 pieces, genres, mediums, or creators of writing that have had an impact on you.

4.) You must answer the two questions delineated above in bolded text.

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Reference No:- TGS03373957

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