
Write a paragraph or two about each of the philosophical

Project Assignment- Philosophical Orientations to HR

*NOTE* The Kaltura media presentation for "Chapter 1 Personnel Part 1" that is posted on the course Canvas Site needs to be used in order to complete this assignment. This is posted under the section "Course Media - Power Points" of the "Modules"

The second slide for Chapter 10 Part 1 is titled "Philosophical Orientations to HR." The "HR" stands for human resources. The voiceover explains how five different philosophical orientations can be used to select people to be employed in various organizations.

When you get established in your career, it is likely that you will have the responsibility to hire employees. It is also likely that you will prefer one or two of the orientations more than others. However, you need to be aware that other people, in other organizations, may have different opinions about how they decide who to hire. Therefore, the purpose of this assignment is to explore each of the five philosophical orientations, and try to understand how each of them could actually be the "right" approach for certain situations.

Assignment Part 1

Write a paragraph or two about each of the philosophical orientations and explain a situation where that orientation could actually be justified as a logical approach to hiring an employee. It might be a situation that you have personally experienced, or one that you have heard about, or one that you have read about. It could be an example from a different country or culture, a different political orientation, a different career field as yours, etc.. The key is to put yourself in the role of an "advocate" for that particular philosophical orientation, for that situation. All five examples can be different jobs, different organizations, different situations, etc..

You are not to use any example from the instructor's presentation. You are to have at least one reference cited from a source other than the course text or instructor presentations.

Assignment Part 2

Now that you have searched for the virtues in five different philosophical orientations to hiring, decide which one will be your preferred approach once you get established in your career field. Explain why that choice is the best for you and your situation.

The expectation for this project is three full pages not including your reference list page. Do not include any project instructions from this page to fill up your three page target. If you exceed the pages, that's OK, but you risk having additional composition errors.

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Dissertation: Write a paragraph or two about each of the philosophical
Reference No:- TGS02717560

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