
Write a paragraph describing how lack of knowledge of the


1) Write a paragraph describing how lack of knowledge of the biology of the HIV virus lead to the AIDS epidemic.

2) You have spent the past 10 weeks learning about biology. To show how much you have acquired this quarter, create a list of biology references you recognize in the movie Osmosis Jones.

3) I have observed time and time again that classes with higher levels of participation have higher averages on exams than classes with lower participation levels. I am seeking input from the student perspective as to what motivates students to participate. For your extra credit assignment I am asking you to tell me what things motivate students to participate and what things deter students from participating. There is no minimum length for this assignment. There is no required format. If it is obvious that you put some effort into this, you will be given credit (i.e. don't send me two sentences and expect credit.

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Biology: Write a paragraph describing how lack of knowledge of the
Reference No:- TGS02705865

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