
Write a paragraph addressing how involvement in the legal

Quesiton: Final project part one

Submit an overview of your intervention plan. The overview should include a brief description of a treatment plan for a diagnosis of your choice, and it should indicate why this diagnosis is a result of the child's or adolescent's involvement in the legal system. The paper should also explore ethical considerations when deciding the best therapeutic interventions to implement, such as individual or family therapy.

Here is what you should put in the milestone:

1. Write a paragraph introducing your case. (A made up case, or based off a real case with identifying info changed) Describe briefly the child that will be the focus of your case study (6 year old girl in foster care, 13 year old boy in juvenile detention, 11 year old girl having to testify against father in criminal child, 17 year old boy about to age out of foster care, etc.). Describe the difficulties your child/adolescent is having. Provide the DSM-5 diagnosis/diagnoses for your case.

2. Write a paragraph addressing how involvement in the legal system has impacted this child by either triggering the symptoms that are of clinical concern or exacerbating a pre-existing condition.

3. Briefly describe appropriate treatment intervention for your case. Although you will further develop this in later milestones, it should be specific. Rather than saying "individual therapy" is the intervention, specify the type of individual therapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy) or family therapy (structural family therapy, systems therapy, etc.). Provide scholarly sources that support that the treatment you are proposing will be effective for the diagnosis you have selected.

4. Write a paragraph that specifically addresses possible ethical issues. For a child/adolescent, these will include such issues as managing confidentiality in the treatment of a minor, consent for treatment, competence of the provider, and managing conflicts that might arise when there are multiple adults involved (therapist, case worker, judge, attorney, family, foster family, etc.). There may be other ethical issues that you determine are relevant for your case. Be specific and cite your sources.

5. Make sure that your paper is organized, sources are appropriately cited, and that you are using scholarly, peer reviewed sources.

The first part for the final project needs to be 1-2 pages, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA format.

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Dissertation: Write a paragraph addressing how involvement in the legal
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