
Write a paper that describes both portraits explains the

Final Paper. The final paper will include two self-portraits.You will need to paint a self-portrait as homework, and bring your self-portrait to class ready to present it.

You will need to paint and submit a second self-portrait. This second self-portrait should integrate different theories that stood out for you during the semester.

You will write a paper (max 4 pages, single space) that describes both portraits, explains the differences between the two portraits, and analyzes which theories or concepts helped you better understand yourself.

You may also depict how you have grown through this semester and all the knowledge that you have acquired through these different theories. You will not be graded on the quality of the painting and your ability to paint but rather on your self-reflection of the different theories.


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Dissertation: Write a paper that describes both portraits explains the
Reference No:- TGS02293925

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