
Write a paper that compares and contrasts one specific

Comparison Paper

Write a paper that compares and contrasts one specific characteristic or theme in two modern world religions. For example, one could compare/contrast ideas of the afterlifein Judaism and Hinduism.

Examples of Religious Characteristics:

Places of worship

Moral instructions

Uses of scripture in worship

Dietary or fasting practices/rituals

Rituals of atonement/purification

Practice of prayer/spiritual meditation

Nature of morality/life goals

Nature of the Divine/Supreme Reality

Examples of Modern Religious Faiths:









Key Requirements:

Papers must be typed

Papers should be three pages long

Papers should be double-spaced

Font should be 12 point, with one inch margins

Papers should include page numbers

Writing should use formal language and correct spelling and punctuation

Papers should use proper APA citation format

When writing, consider the following:

What does each religion believe about your chosen theme or characteristic?

Where do these beliefs come from?

What practices result from this belief?

What, if any, rituals are involved?

Is there any tension or disagreement within the religion itself about this characteristic/theme?

How do they compare across your two chosen religions?

How are they different?

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Humanities: Write a paper that compares and contrasts one specific
Reference No:- TGS01088820

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