
Write a paper that argues for the washingtonian position in


Length: 4-6 Pages


Write a paper that examines one of the following salient concepts or issues addressed by W.E.B. Du Bois in his seminal work The Souls of Black Folk.

A. Du Bois argues in chapter two of Souls that "the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line." Write a paper that argues for the validity of this perspective. You will need to describe the more general problem that Du Bois is addressing-namely, the presumption that black people are to blame for their own problems rather than the insidious effects of systematic racism. You will then need to describe how he attempts to overcome this prevailing assumption. What sorts of examples does he provide that demonstrates, on the one hand, the effects of racism and, on the other hand, the work of African Americans to better their lives and conditions. Be certain to marshal specific passages and descriptions from the text.

B. Du Bois argues that Booker T. Washington's "Atlanta Compromise" undermines the gains black folk made prior to the end of Reconstruction. Washington's politics of accommodation essentially turned back the clock of progress for black folk according to Du Bois. Write a paper that argues for the validity of Du Bois' critique of Washington's position that blacks should forego social equality in return for vocational training and labor opportunities. That is, if you agree that Washington's "compromise" was negligent to the needs of black folk, what are some of the specific ways in which Du Bois makes this clear? In doing so, you will need to acknowledge Washington's position and its relation to the points Du Bois makes in his discussion.

C. Write a paper that argues for the Washingtonian position in the affirmative by refuting W.E.B. Du Bois' claim that Washington's industrial model of education for blacks would in effective keep blacks in perpetual servitude. Utilizing the documents provided for you online, defend Washington's strategy by citing relevant examples and explanations from the text. Be certain to relate your claims and examples to Du Bois' critique of Washington in chapter three of The Souls of Black Folk.


1. Be certain to establish a thesis statement at the outset of your paper that will direct and organize your discussion to follow. Your thesis should be tenable, and must consist of precise terms that motivate further discussion.

2. Just as you must establish a tenable claim in your paper, you must also cite relevant passages from the text that offer support for your claims. Remember that you do not need to summarize the entire text, but rather you need only to identify the most relevant passages and scenes that support your claims and assertions (remember the first assignment that asked you to identify a single passage and analyze it).

3. Do the work of analysis: This means you must establish an argument and then support or test your claims by identifying relevant passages that demonstrate the concepts and ideas that form your position.

4. Establish a relevant and also thought-provoking title for your paper. Never submit a paper with a generic title such as "An Analysis of The Souls of Black Folk." Instead, a title such as "The Wizard of Tuskegee Exposed" is much more fitting and expressive of your purposes in the essay.

Reading: Booker T. Washington Delivers the 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech.

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History: Write a paper that argues for the washingtonian position in
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