
write a paper on unemployment the paper should be

Write a paper on UNEMPLOYMENT. The paper should be professionally prepared with all graphs computer-generated using relevant data, with the axes labeled.

The paper should include:

1. The introduction

2. Data Overview: Provide a descriptive summary (mean, median, minimum, maximum, standard deviation) of the variables of your model (the dependent as well as the explanatory variables) both in a table and verbally. In addition, provide a graph of the variables over the span of the study period.

3. Model and Method: Outline the theory explaining the relationship between the dependent and explanatory variables. Specify the model, state the expected signs, (and, in some cases, ranges of magnitudes of coefficients), and describe the method used.

4. Results and Discussion: Provide your regression results in a table, making sure to include the parameter estimates, standard errors, t ratios, R-square, F-stat, and associated probabilities. (Run a regression using each of the explanatory variables alone with the dependent variable, then also a regression using all 3 explanatory variables with the dependent variable. That is 4 regressions total.)

5. Summary and Conclusions.

6. References: Provide a list or articles/books/etc. consulted in this paper.

7. Appendix: Provide a table of datasets used to estimate the model together with the source including the websites.

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Macroeconomics: write a paper on unemployment the paper should be
Reference No:- TGS0491253

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