
Write a paper on topic effects of price fluctuation of

The recent fall in price of Petrol in UK, influences the economy of the country screamingly as well as the fall in oil price has affected the world economy extensively. The OPEC member has reacted on the price fall in Petrol by not supporting the phenomena. The past scenario shows that the global economy was exhausted due to not controlling the excess use of Petrol. The fall in price will influence the consumer to consume more. Declining Petrol price has played an important role in the world economy.

Write a paper on Topic "Effects of Price Fluctuation of Petrol in UK and possible ways to deal with it"

You paper in included by following table of indexes..


  • Introduction: 3
  • Economic Problem of Scarcity due to fall in Price of Petrol: 3
  • Demand side factors that influences the price fluctuation of the Petroleum: 8
  • Supply Side Factors: 10
  • Government’s action towards the high consumption of Petrol including such externalities: 11
  • Introducing other substitutes of Petrol: 12
  • Increase the intensity of using Public Transport rather than private Transport: 12
  • Increase the use of Renewable Resources: 13
  • Reduction in dependency: 13
  • Increase the use of different type of Vehicles: 14
  • Preserve Stocks for Future: 14
  • Traffic Jam: 14
  • Conclusion: 15
  • References 16

Words Limit: 3000-3500 Words

References: Minimum 15

The paper is inclided one Title page, Table of indexes, conclusion and reference page

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