
Write a paper on electrical spark elimination


Write a six to eight pages paper (not including the title page, abstract, and atleast 3 references) on electrical spark elimination. Your research must show how System Safety Concepts are being applied, or could be applied, to an aircraft system that was introduced after an aircraft accident. For example, the Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) was developed because pilots were flying aircraft into terrain due to loss of situational awareness not mechanical problems.

An example of one event is: Electric sparking is a hazard posed to every aircraft. This hazard was made known due to the explosion of TWA Flight 800, a Boeing 747. This airplane had just taken off from JFK when it is assumed that a wire shorted and ignited a wing fuel tank. It is this disaster that led to Boeing taking numerous steps to prevent sparking from any faults and also further pressed the FAA's stance in spark reduction in all of aviation.

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Other Subject: Write a paper on electrical spark elimination
Reference No:- TGS01976235

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