
Write a paper on dunkin donuts expansion into asia


This semester you research and write a 3 - 5 page paper on Dunkin Donuts expansion into Asia.


Your General Education Assignment is a 3-5 page research paper that addresses marketing from a global perspective. The main objective of this assignment is to help you understand the influence of environmental factors on organizations business decisions.

Three General Education Learner Outcomes will be assessed in this assignment: 1.) Knowledge; 2.) Critical and Creative Thinking, and 3.) Communication. The assessment rubric for this assignment is included at the end of this assignment for your review. (The descriptions of the learning outcomes are provided in the assessment rubric below). Your completed assignment will be uploaded as a Chalk and Wire ePortfolio item. Chalk and Wire submission directions will be made available before the assignment deadline. Additional instructions regarding this assignment will be provided by your instructor.


• Review the complete assignment
• Review the content(s) provided below to develop a basic understanding of the case
• Review Chapter 2 (Assessing the External Environment: Section 2.4, p. 28-32 in your required textbook)
• Become familiar with the additional resources (see links below) that can be used to assist in the assignment development process.






These are suggested resources to assist with secondary research for this assignment. In addition, the Citing Your Sources Research Guide will help you format your final paper properly in the APA format.

• Research Guide https://libguides.snhu.edu/Introduction_to_Marketing
• Google Like a Librarian Research Guide https://libguides.snhu.edu/google
• Evaluating Websites Research Guide https://libguides.snhu.edu/evaluatingwebsites
• Citing Your Sources Research Guide https://libguides.snhu.edu/citation


The sections of your 3-5 page paper (length EXCLUDES Title, References Pages, and Learning Reflection) are as follows: Introduction, Body, Conclusion, Learning Reflection, and References. Each section should be represented by a BOLD ALL CAP heading followed by double-spaced content below each. In-text APA citations must be used appropriately throughout the paper. Complete APA citations of all sources referenced to complete the paper must be included in the reference section at the end of the paper.

Title Page Contents
Include the following content on your Title Page for this assignment.

 Student's name, instructor's name, course name, course reference number, SNHU Major, assignment title and due date.

 Image/visual relating to the project topic. Include a full APA citation for you image/visual in your REFERENCE section.


Include the following content in your Introduction section for this assignment. The objective for this section is to effectively inform the reader, demonstrate a solid level of analysis of relevant secondary resources, and make a persuasive argument regarding the external factors impacting the client.

 Develop 2-3 paragraphs that summarize the key points on Dunkin Donuts decision to expand their first brick and mortar store in Asia. (In text citation)

 Develop 1-2 paragraphs that describe five key external environmental factors that must be considered when considering a global marketing strategy. (In text citation)

 Develop 1-2 paragraphs that identify two key external environmental factors that indicate Asia is a strong market for expansion by Dunkin Donuts and other brick and mortar retailers.


Analyze your assigned readings and additional secondary research to compare and contrast domestic and international marketing strategies utilized by the client.

 Develop 1-2 paragraphs that clearly discuss two similarities between Dunkin Donuts domestic (United States of America) marketing strategy and its marketing strategy for their stores in Asia.

 Develop 1-2 paragraphs that clearly discuss two differences between Dunkin Donuts domestic (United States of America) marketing strategy and its marketing strategy for their stores in Asia.

 Use the external factors established in your introduction as the framework for this comparison of Dunkin Donuts domestic and Asian marketing strategies. (In text citation)
Based on your knowledge of this case, provide a research-based detailed recommendation for the client.

 Based on your research, develop 1-2 paragraphs that outlines and supports a detailed recommendation to Dunkin Donuts marketing team that could help ensure its success in Asia in 2014 and beyond.

Learning Reflection
Discuss what you have learned from completing this project.

 Develop one paragraph that identifies and discusses the key items you have learned by completing this project. This is the only part of the assignment where you may use the first or second person (i.e. "I" or "you").


Your completed reference list should include your source information for the title page image, textbook, required readings, and at least five additional relevant sources.

 List all sources cited within your paper using APA guidelines (See Siting Your Sources Research Guide https://libguides.snhu.edu/citation).

How to Submit Your Assignment as a Hard Copy in Class

 Print and staple your completed assignment to submit in class on the stated deadline.

 Ensure you review all submission requirements and directions for this assignment. Assignment not submitted properly by the stated deadline will earn a 0%.

How to Submit Your Assignment to Chalk and Wire

 If you have already used Chalk and Wire for another class, please review the "Submit Artifact to NEW Assessment Tab" to upload your assignment by reviewing the information found at this URL | Click or "Copy and Paste" URL into browser to view. https://my.snhu.edu/Offices/ITS/IS/resources/Documents/Submit_Artifact_to_NEW_Assessment_Tab.pdf

 For other Chalk and Wire Resources visit this URL | Click or "Copy and Paste" URL into browser to view. https://my.snhu.edu/Offices/ITS/IS/resources/Pages/ChalkWire.aspx

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Microeconomics: Write a paper on dunkin donuts expansion into asia
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