Operations Management
• Read the article "Integrating service practice into project management: A matter of ‘do or die'?" written by Burström, Jacobsson and Wilson (2014).
• Write a paper of approximately three pages (double-spaced, single sided) that identifies the importance and application of one of the four propositions discussed by the authors to business service organizations (below): Ensure that readings from this week, daily lectures, related video(s) and your own experience are incorporated in paper.
o Multi-project firms that run themselves as core service providers will be more effective in providing value for its customers.
o Projects are engagement platforms for service delivery.
o Functional representatives in projects should view their prime role as service providers.
o Project members' interactions are qualified service encounters.
• Include a minimum of two sources, which may consist of readings from the University Library, your text, and other selections.
• Format your paper using West Writing Style Handbook guidelines.
• Submit your work via My Assignments.