
Write a paper assuming you went to london on a 10 days


Write a paper assuming you went to London on a 10 days international health study trip. You went to on-site lectures and discussions with England's health professions, clinicians, government and business leaders. Also assume that you conducted personal interviews with speakers, and you strike conversation with people in the community to get their opinion on health care delivery and what is it like to live in London. You are encouraged to engage in cultural experiences while on the trip. The paper should focus on academic components of journey to London. It may not be merely a set of chronological notes, nor should it focus on tourism. Rather, it should be a day to day reflection on the academic/learning experiences on the trip, enhanced as appropriate with pertinent cultural information. It should reflect the learning objectives of NHS (National Health Services) of England, England's Healthcare system and Public Health.

You are expected to conduct independent preliminary research on the health system of United Kingdom before assuming your trip to London, and writing the paper.

The body of the paper will be no less than 12 to 15 pages in length not including appendixes, title page, and references. The paper must follow APA format and should include some supporting research (ie. demographic data) throughout to further support the information obtained on the trip. Resources should no older than five years. Avoid using citations after sentences (This is mainly a reflection paper of your trip to London. The document must have at least one table or graph to compare the United Kingdom and the United States.

Sample Content of the paper format

• Abstract

Concise one page summary of the purpose, scope of the research, findings, conclusions and/or recommendations

• Body of Paper

Incorporates observations and learning experiences from trip, makes comparisons with critical analysis of findings for future direction in health services administration

• Summary/Conclusions

Emerges from the body of paper and concludes with highlighting of major points.


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Dissertation: Write a paper assuming you went to london on a 10 days
Reference No:- TGS02480881

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