
Write a paper about your experience with app charity miles

Service project

For this project, what he asked us to do is going to do 20 hours volunteer service at a charitable organization or something like that. But we agreed to do something else. We decided that I choose an app called "charity Miles". the benefit of this app is it will track your Walk/Run activity at the gym or outdoor. For each mile you Walk/Run, they will give a charity $1 dollar. So, now what you need to do is write 6 pages, double space about your experience with this app, why you like it? How many times you use it? How much weight did you lose? How do you feel about it? etc.

you may search for the app and write about it. But, you must write as personal or reflection style. Use your own word. It is not research paper! it personal reflection paper. You can make things up. You can say for example, one of the benefit is losing weight, my weight was 200 bound and now became 170 bound. You can make up something like that and talk about enjoying the experience and stuff like that.

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Dissertation: Write a paper about your experience with app charity miles
Reference No:- TGS01392008

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