Topic: Portfolio Management in an Efficient Market Context
Introductoin should clearly state the purpose for the paper, objectives and scope of the research.
The outline should clearly layout how the paper will develop. These should almost be big concept topic sentences that allow you to develop each section around the topic. The introduction should be around a half of page double spaced but no longer than a full page, which would be very big.
The outline should contain a sentence for each section not necessarily transitions within a section, although that would be okay also. There should be at least 6-8 major outline points no fewer than eight and no more than 12.
Establish the topic of the research
Articulate the research problem, question, and /or purpose/objective of the research
Indicate the methodology used
Present the anticipated conclusions
The outline should show the introduction, conclusion and the main theme of the paper followed by the highlight points that address the paper's theme. These should just be bullet points indicating thoughts not sentence.